Sunday, June 28, 2009


It has been said that Jay-Z is the greatest rapper of all time, but that statement can be challenged. It has been said that Whitney Houston is the greatest vocalist of all time. Aretha Franklin fans would beg to differ. But no one would question the statement that Michael Jackson IS THE GREATEST ENTERTAINER OF ALL TIME! NO ONE! If they do, they are damn fools. Now, this blog or article is not to recap MJ’s accomplishments because we all just about know that. I want to bring some insight on him how he influenced the world, his youthfulness and his “blackness” and of course, obviously music.

            I’m going to start with his blackness. First, of all, aside from skin tone, I’m not sure what makes a person black or white for that matter, but for year’s people has questioned MJ’s identity. Now, we all know that MJ was black for sure. But once he was affected with the disease vitiligo, people thought he was trying to be “white”. I honestly don’t know. Maybe. But don’t you recall him wearing gloves on his hand ALL THE TIME? Now, while he made it a fashion, he could have been covering up the blotches he had. We all know Michael was not too comfortable with his appearance (as a lot of us are). He’s had several nose jobs to prove this. Now, you’re probably thinking about his hair! Boo! Some men just love having long straight hair. Hell, Snoop Dogg walked around with curls in his head and no one thought he was gay or trying to be a woman. Prince wear freaking heels, eye shadow and pants with his ass out! But any Prince fan will tell you he is as straight as 6 o’clock. So we got all the physical attributes to him trying to be “white” out of the way, what about the people around him. Think of any, any, any MJ video. The cast is either diverse or his main lady is black. Not to say there would be anything wrong with him having a white woman or Asian woman in his video, but that would only had fuel to the fire. He has done concerts with Jay-Z and according to Rev. Al Sharpton; he was the only celebrity who has claimed to look up to James Brown to actually show up to his funeral. MJ never got too big (in his head) to pay homage to those he adored. Yall saw him at the 2003 BET Awards. So all in all, whatever MJ was going through, I don’t think he had a problem being black or being around blacks. Take into consideration he grew up when things were still segregated early in his life. Maybe he thought blacks had it too hard and felt that if he were white people would treat him better. You just never know what’s going on in a person’s head. If he DID feel the need to bleach his skin and straighten his hair, it was his prerogative! Besides, only a black man can say, “that ain’t my baby” through song.

            Now, before I gave it any real thought, I was one of those arrogant hip hop heads who claimed rap is the reason why all cultures can co-mingle. But now, that’s just a fat ass lie! Prior to MJ, there was “black” music, “white” music and Disco. But when MJ stepped off the stage with his brother to a platform so high, HE brought people together with his music. Something that Oprah and President Obama should credit him for. People from Ethiopia, to Asia, to England to Brooklyn to Houston all had one thing in common: their love for MJ. Now, you may read over that and think nothing of it, but seriously, come one now. People will disagree over political views, religious views and different morals and values, but for everyone to like the same music? That’s a pretty big deal. HE broke down color barriers! People didn’t look at him and say, “He’s black and he’s good”. They just saw a GREAT entertainer who could bring people to tears with his presence alone. Now, I’m not saying he’s Christ like, but…ok, lets put it this way: The day he died, according to AT&T, 65,000 text were sent PER SECOND! That didn’t even happen with our first black president! And I’m not trying to take anything from President Obama, but he nor hip-hop is not the sole reason why black and whites can share a common ground.


            We all know that Michael was forced to grow up too damn fast and for that, I think that explains a lot of his “issues”. But not all. The dude was definitely a genius and geniuses have their issues! Even Einstein was so genius he did not want to wear clothes because in his head that was not important enough to even waste brain cells thinking about. He was inventing formulas that some of us still can’t solve! But MJ always had love for the youth. You could see it in his home, the people he hung around and his child like behavior. But I don’t think it was ALL because he was young at heart but because of his genius. Sometimes when you’re different, we as adults judge and say “ You’re 25 and you should dress like this. You should act like this. You should enjoy this”. No! MJ was who he was and aside from his managers, publicist and the media only one group of people didn’t’ pass judgment on him: Children. Children and their innocents is a beautiful thing and I can see why Michael enjoyed being around them. He could be himself and they would not look at him as if he was crazy or stupid.

            My mom’s generation loved, Elvis, Marvin, The Commodores, and Aretha. My generation loves Bobby Brown, TLC, R.Kelly and Aaliyah. My little cousin’s generation loves Miley Cyrus and Soulja Boy. But all generations love MJ! That honestly doesn’t’ make sense. How is it that so many artists can be put in categories and be a part of a generation but this one man has influenced everyone I named after Aretha? Michael was never a vulgar artist, except through dance but his songs carried more meaning than we could ever imagine. Black or White, You are not  Alone, and the socially conscious hit, Man in the Mirror. His dancing was like no other has ever seen before. Watching him perform is mesmerizing. The way he glides across the floor or the way he pop’s his body at every rhythm of the song. And in all this greatness that I think he KNEW he embodied, he still remained humbled at heart.

            I truly hate the last 15 years of Michael Jackson’s life was spent in court, torture, media lies and exploitation of him but regardless while MJ will probably continue to be the source of pun of jokes, he will always be respected, admired, imitated, and loved! Now, when you think about it: Isn’t that way ones life after death should be?

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Throwback Thursdays

When these girls first came on the scene, they swept the country away because we had never seen anything like it! It was like the supremes (minus the great vocals) meets Public Enemy. You had girls singing and rapping in baggy clothes but also presenting a message through their music. They are and will always be music icons in my eyes!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Teenage Pregnancy:Why?

For years the question of why teenage girls, especially those in the urban community, continue to get pregnant even when knowing the consequences, has been irking my friends and me for a while now. Actually to the point of where I felt the need to do a documentary on teenage pregnancy. Now, of course, we are not judging, but it jingle jangles our minds that a young girl would think it’s “cool” or “ok” to have a kid or sex for that matter while in high school. Now, if you ask the average closed-minded person the reason for this, it would be because most young black girls don’t have a father in the home and they’re just looking for attention from a man. We all know this is sad and true, but I cannot accept this as the only answer. Or if you ask my grandmother, it’s because these young girls don’t go to church. I probably would have accepted these “answers” alone if I didn’t see teenagers in my own church with fathers who were prominent members of the church get knocked up before the age of 18. And when I say prominent, I mean, deacons, elders (haven’t caught the preachers daughter yet, but she’ll get her turn. LOL! Ok, bad joke. Bad joke) bishops and whatever other role that not just another member of the church, respectively. These girls went to church WAY more than my usually every Sunday or every other Wednesday night. So, this fact can hush up any theory of girls from broken homes or girls who weren’t raised in the church are likely to get pregnant. This weekend, I thought about my sexual experiences from high school to today and the reason hit me and I think my theory could stand up in the trial of  “ fatherless, non-Christian, urban girl VS not getting knocked up”.

            The truth is, we all know sex before marriage just aint right. But as humans we have needs. And ladies we’ve all been there. Imagine this: You’re 17. You’re with the hottest guy you know. He’s actually showing YOU some attention. Not that other “miss thang” who thinks she is just “too cute, boo boo”, but he’s with you! He’s “really interested” in what you have to say and he actually thinks you’re funny. So next thing you know you two are “fencing” with your tongues, the panting gets heavier and all of sudden his brush is digging into your rib! Oh snap! You realize that aint his brush in his pocket and that aint hair gel in your Hanes cotton underwear! I guarantee, for most girls the last thing on their mind in this situation is their father or even Jesus. I mean, it’s on their mind, but this feeling is much stronger, so you continue letting him “brush your hair”  until you reach that…”ah”.  Now this description wasn’t aimed at urban girls without fathers. This is the average teenage girl. All teenagers (and women) just want to be desired. No matter where you live or if dad is a few feet away or few child support payments away.

             So let me take you to the other side of the tracks. The “good” side.  Rebecca (Becky) does live with both parents. Becky is dating Connor, the captain of the water polo team. Becky and Connor both come from families with a good financial background. Both get an allowance. Both have insurance so they both go to the doctor when needed. Now that we got the background check, let’s fast forward to the junior prom. They both already done mixed the “paint brush” with the “wet paint”. That’s a done deal. They are both satisfied with the out”come”. LOL! Anywho, even though they did use a new pack of Trojans condoms, Connor didn’t know how to put it on properly so of course, Becky is now pregnant. She doesn’t mind keeping the baby, but her mothers finds this to be a disgrace and Connors parents would be damned if that kid came between their sons water polo scholarship to Duke. So both parents agree, the baby would be aborted and that Becky will get her fast ass on birth control. The patch (just so her ass wouldn’t forget). End of story.

            You can probably figure out what’s going on on the other side of the tracks. Monique (Nikki) lives with her 3 little brothers and mom who worked as an assistant mgr at KFC with no insurance. She loved her kids dearly and made sure they were at the community church WEEKLY! Nikki meets up with Jabari during third period in one of the practice rooms in the band hall. Now, Jabari does have an old magnum Trojan that his big brother gave him 2 years ago for his 14th birthday that he’ll use. But after he beats her drum with his drumstick, he still doesn’t realize that the condom broke. Oh, but you bets believe Nikki told him she was 2 football games late of her period. He didn’t care. By then he moved on to the next band girl, LaTiqua (pronounced Luh-Tee-Kuh). Nikki’s mom was devastated. She would have aborted the baby, but that would have taken the families dinner money for the month. So she figured, she’d keep the baby because it would love her and it would bring in some extra money from the government to help her family survive. And since they didn’t have insurance for birth control, Nikki was soon pregnant again by graduation.

            Now, you’re probably thinking, “Dang Kid!! That was harsh!” Maybe, but that’s society. I refuse to believe that only urban girls are out having sex. But I do believe due to their financially status and lack of resource for safe protection, they are likely to get pregnant and keep the baby. This is sad, but these are facts. Those with more money are likely to either abort a baby, adoption or have the revenue for the right sources to prevent this from happening. So in conclusion, it’s not girls without fathers, per se. It’s horny girls everywhere, but those with more financial stability can make better choices.  Regardless of what you may think, “What you eat, doesn’t make me shit”, so don’t you dare judge.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Really this time: Paranoid

So, apparently the video posted about a week ago was NOT the finished product for Kanyes new single, Paranoid, from his platinum selling album, 808's and Heartbreak. This video is very MJ Thiller like. Big ups to RiRi! Enjoy!

KANYE WEST "PARANOID" feat: RIHANNA Dir: NABIL from nabil elderkin on Vimeo.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009