Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Guilty Pleasures

So, I’m out this weekend and me and my homies start discussing our guilty pleasures. Not really guilty pleasures so much, but how we’re such hip hop heads and to even utter the words “I like soulja boy” or something crazy is just an embarrassment to the hip hop head community. But we all have our guilty pleasure right? For example, celebrities will eat at restaurants us common folk cant even pronounce! But, they still get their McDonald's on. Or most women would want a charismatic guy like Will Smith, but we will still find something sexy about the hood or goonish, Plies. Below are some of my guilty pleasures that I’m not necessarily ashamed of, but I wouldn’t brag about them to strangers.

1. I love “Pop, Lock, and Drop It” remix with Huey, Bow Wow and T-Pain.
2. I still jam New Editions “Candy Girl” like it just came out yesterday and I’m twelve.
3. I pig out and eat Cinnamon Toast Crunch with cream cheese
4. I’d rather play 1988
Mario Brothers & Duck Hunt over ANY game
5. I think
Shia Lebeoff is cute and I’ve always thought that. Yes, even when he was on Disney’s Even Stevens.
6. I tivo the View everyday even though their demographic is housewives or women over 45.
7. Most people know I cannot even stomach a reality show, but I’m crazy about BET’s hit show, “Keshia Cole: The Way It Is”
8. I look forward to watching BET’s 106 & Park on Fridays so I can watch Freestyle Fridays.
9. I think Diddys “No Way Out” album was actually good.
10. I check my facebook account more than I check my other email accounts.

11. I thoroughly enjoy That So Raven; is hilarious.
12. I like to sit with my hands in my pants like Al Bundy(no fondling. I just like it).
13. I like to hold my own breast
14. I freestyle to myself when I'm solo in the car.
15.My retainer helps me rest easily at night.

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