Oh yeah! I love me some Dream and I'm crazy about Ye! What an awesome song! Now lets peep the video!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Kanye West New Video: Paranoid
I hope he comes out with a video for Street Lights too! Ah well! Enjoy!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Funny Fridays: Kobe and Lebron
Whether you think Kobe is the best or Lebron, this commercial is funny as hell. I'm really diggin the puppets too! If these were the REAL players, it would probably just be corny! Enjoy this weeks funny Friday and have a safe and blessed Memorial Day weekend! Dueces!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Throwback Thursday: I'll Bee Dat
This is without a doubt one of the BEST innovative and funniest videos! It's way ahead of it's time! Missy and Luda! are known for making fun videos, but they use a lot of special effects! This is just well thought out and planned out footage! And of course we all love the hot girl on the bike! Enjoy! And if you dare judge and say anything negative about me, well, I guess, "I'll bee dat!" LOL! Deuces!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Drake and Big Sean
Didn't I say this would happen? I just knew these two were two of a kind and they were going to have to work together somehow! Damn, I know talent! Next prediction....Bey and the Dream duet! Just wait!
**Drake has a new mixtape out. Download here.
**Drake has a new mixtape out. Download here.
Drake Perfoming In Detroit W/ Big Sean and Wale from Flying With Da Fishes Blog on Vimeo.
My 100th blog!!!
Thank you for congratulating me on my one hundredth blog! This has not been easy, nor would I have made it this far if it wasn’t for my 3-4 loyal readers! Thanks to you! I’ve been racking my brain on what would be an awesome 100th blog and it finally hit me. I’ve decided to give you my favorite 10 blogs and a little insight on the inspiration for each blog. I also thought about doing my 10 worst blogs, but why would I do that? It may have been crap to me, but it may have meant something to you; the reader. So please take time to review my favorite blogs. Oh yeah, I seriously considered a video blog for the big 1-0-0, but I’m not ready to show my face to the internet world.
10. Jay-Z Did It-This blog gets special recognition for two reasons: First, it’s my first blog…sort of. And also it’s a scary twisted conspiracy theory. Not too many of you will even get this, but if you consider yourself a hip hop head, you may agree with me. I just came up with this “theory” after listening to several Jigga songs and my mind just went off. But again, if this idea got into the wrong hands, I could probably be in deep manure!
9. Gay: To be or not to be- This blog was sparked by the obvious title. I just wanted to give my point of view on whether people choose to be gay or if they’re born that way. As you can see, I can give no definite answer, but I think I bring up some interesting points.
8. Marge Simpson is Creole- Who knows where my mind was when this came to mind. I seriously can’t recall. I know for sure I was watching the Simpson and I think I noticed Marge went from curly hair to straight hair. I then remembered her last name was Bovier. From there on out you could not convince me that Marge is not Creole. Many have listened to my points and facts and while not one person has agreed I was right, everyone did admit everything I said was true. So why the denial?
7. Honor Music-This one is simple as well. Music is the driving force of anything I do. I must have it when I’m driving, drinking, working or whatever. I had to blog about my passion for music. Yeah, I had to.
6. I am Art- You ever hear artist (especially rappers) say they just poured their heart into an album? How vulnerable they were and how hard it was to get what they said out on wax? Well, this blog is like that. I do not nor have I ever considered myself a poet. But one day when I realized how complex I really was, the only thing that came to mind was this poem. I seriously just started thinking to myself and this is what came out. It was all of me, my heart and soul. It took a lot of courage for me to put this out there like that, so I hope you enjoy!
5. Twenty Questions- This one is in the top 5 because of it’s top 20. As mentioned in the blog I stole this idea from Vibe magazine, but the questions are all mine. It is not easy to come up with 20 questions, but I thoroughly enjoy doing so and this was my first, so of course I love it more than the other 20 questions blogs.
4. What Women Want- I just answered the question that seems to be such a great mystery. And I think I did a damn good job! The truth is trying to know what women want is like trying to be God. You can not know everything. But if there is a special someone you want to know more about, that do just that! Get to know her; not the species in which she is a part of.
3. Bootleggin Girls- “Militance, innocence, insight, listen to God, then write. Since my birthday I’ve been tight!” rapped Cee-Lo. That is what happened to me with this blog. I read something that sparked an idea, but where that idea went, I have no clue. I can honestly say this is one of those moments when I just “let go and let God”. I just reread this blog today, but if you were to ask me everything that was written a week ago, well, I couldn’t tell you. I basically blacked out when writing it. And the response I got from it was over whelming too! I received a lot of love for this blog that I was not used to.
“But since I’ve been granted the power of choice, let God be the voice he is.
So all the credibility is his. So let these be words of wisdom and in the same breath be warning. Son, I shine like Sunday morning!” Cee-Lo
2. Funniest Fridays- HA! This is my favorite because it’s funny as hell! Plus, it makes my number one pick look like a Hype Williams film!
1. MY first video- Now, why wouldn’t I pick the video I shot, directed and edited myself as number one? That would be crazier than the astronaut and pampers lady!
**Honorable Mention
*Self Control instead of Birth Control-It’s not what I blogged about, it’s what Common rapped about. Dude is too dope!
*Whoopi- Because I think Whoopi is the ish!
I DO hope you enjoyed this recap. For those this is new to, I hope you come back and again, thanks to all of my loyal readers and definitely God for giving me the knowledge and talent to write! Because I know its dope! Ok, let me be modest again: eh hem. Thanks to you all! Be blessed and don’t you dare judge me!
10. Jay-Z Did It-This blog gets special recognition for two reasons: First, it’s my first blog…sort of. And also it’s a scary twisted conspiracy theory. Not too many of you will even get this, but if you consider yourself a hip hop head, you may agree with me. I just came up with this “theory” after listening to several Jigga songs and my mind just went off. But again, if this idea got into the wrong hands, I could probably be in deep manure!
9. Gay: To be or not to be- This blog was sparked by the obvious title. I just wanted to give my point of view on whether people choose to be gay or if they’re born that way. As you can see, I can give no definite answer, but I think I bring up some interesting points.
8. Marge Simpson is Creole- Who knows where my mind was when this came to mind. I seriously can’t recall. I know for sure I was watching the Simpson and I think I noticed Marge went from curly hair to straight hair. I then remembered her last name was Bovier. From there on out you could not convince me that Marge is not Creole. Many have listened to my points and facts and while not one person has agreed I was right, everyone did admit everything I said was true. So why the denial?
7. Honor Music-This one is simple as well. Music is the driving force of anything I do. I must have it when I’m driving, drinking, working or whatever. I had to blog about my passion for music. Yeah, I had to.
6. I am Art- You ever hear artist (especially rappers) say they just poured their heart into an album? How vulnerable they were and how hard it was to get what they said out on wax? Well, this blog is like that. I do not nor have I ever considered myself a poet. But one day when I realized how complex I really was, the only thing that came to mind was this poem. I seriously just started thinking to myself and this is what came out. It was all of me, my heart and soul. It took a lot of courage for me to put this out there like that, so I hope you enjoy!
5. Twenty Questions- This one is in the top 5 because of it’s top 20. As mentioned in the blog I stole this idea from Vibe magazine, but the questions are all mine. It is not easy to come up with 20 questions, but I thoroughly enjoy doing so and this was my first, so of course I love it more than the other 20 questions blogs.
4. What Women Want- I just answered the question that seems to be such a great mystery. And I think I did a damn good job! The truth is trying to know what women want is like trying to be God. You can not know everything. But if there is a special someone you want to know more about, that do just that! Get to know her; not the species in which she is a part of.
3. Bootleggin Girls- “Militance, innocence, insight, listen to God, then write. Since my birthday I’ve been tight!” rapped Cee-Lo. That is what happened to me with this blog. I read something that sparked an idea, but where that idea went, I have no clue. I can honestly say this is one of those moments when I just “let go and let God”. I just reread this blog today, but if you were to ask me everything that was written a week ago, well, I couldn’t tell you. I basically blacked out when writing it. And the response I got from it was over whelming too! I received a lot of love for this blog that I was not used to.
“But since I’ve been granted the power of choice, let God be the voice he is.
So all the credibility is his. So let these be words of wisdom and in the same breath be warning. Son, I shine like Sunday morning!” Cee-Lo
2. Funniest Fridays- HA! This is my favorite because it’s funny as hell! Plus, it makes my number one pick look like a Hype Williams film!
1. MY first video- Now, why wouldn’t I pick the video I shot, directed and edited myself as number one? That would be crazier than the astronaut and pampers lady!
**Honorable Mention
*Self Control instead of Birth Control-It’s not what I blogged about, it’s what Common rapped about. Dude is too dope!
*Whoopi- Because I think Whoopi is the ish!
I DO hope you enjoyed this recap. For those this is new to, I hope you come back and again, thanks to all of my loyal readers and definitely God for giving me the knowledge and talent to write! Because I know its dope! Ok, let me be modest again: eh hem. Thanks to you all! Be blessed and don’t you dare judge me!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
20 Questions
Honestly, these 20 questions are becoming harder & harder to come up with than it may appear! I hope you enjoy and if not, kick boulders!!
1.Did you get your free grilled chicken from KFC?
2.Do you think Michelle and Kelly wish Beyonce will come back and do one more Destiny's Child album?
3.If not, with their current non popular status, shouldn't’t they?
4.What is the past tense word for “shit”? Shitted? Shat?
5.How does the pain pill know where the pain is?
6.Isn’t weird that R.Kelly dropped albums & singles non-stop while awaiting trial, but now that he is a free man, he hasn’t dropped one official single?
7.Do you know one woman who is completely satisfied with the way she looks in a bikini?
8.When you were 10 years old did you ever imagine you would be working where you work now and doing what you do?
9.Did you watch the white guy with the fro even though you didn’t know how to paint?
10.Have you realized Glitter is NOT as bad as the media made it out to be?
11.Why aren’t there any Asian sitcoms on TV?
12.Wouldn’t you watch “Ho’s house”
13.How racist was that last question?
14.With all the hype surrounding mohawks, wouldn’t it be cool to call the “landing” strip a Mohawk?
15.Did/Does the Perry Mason theme song scare you too?
16.Didn’t Lil Kim get screwed on Dancing with the stars?
17.Doesn’t Keri Hilson favor a young Frankie?
18.Doesn’t it suck that men get better looking with age and women dont?
19.Can we put away our winter clothes yet?
20.Is it football season yet?
"Only two can give you life: The Judge and God. But only one can judge me and that's my God, so Imma live my life like fuck what you thought" Big Sean
1.Did you get your free grilled chicken from KFC?
2.Do you think Michelle and Kelly wish Beyonce will come back and do one more Destiny's Child album?
3.If not, with their current non popular status, shouldn't’t they?
4.What is the past tense word for “shit”? Shitted? Shat?
5.How does the pain pill know where the pain is?
6.Isn’t weird that R.Kelly dropped albums & singles non-stop while awaiting trial, but now that he is a free man, he hasn’t dropped one official single?
7.Do you know one woman who is completely satisfied with the way she looks in a bikini?
8.When you were 10 years old did you ever imagine you would be working where you work now and doing what you do?
9.Did you watch the white guy with the fro even though you didn’t know how to paint?
10.Have you realized Glitter is NOT as bad as the media made it out to be?
11.Why aren’t there any Asian sitcoms on TV?
12.Wouldn’t you watch “Ho’s house”
13.How racist was that last question?
14.With all the hype surrounding mohawks, wouldn’t it be cool to call the “landing” strip a Mohawk?
15.Did/Does the Perry Mason theme song scare you too?
16.Didn’t Lil Kim get screwed on Dancing with the stars?
17.Doesn’t Keri Hilson favor a young Frankie?
18.Doesn’t it suck that men get better looking with age and women dont?
19.Can we put away our winter clothes yet?
20.Is it football season yet?
"Only two can give you life: The Judge and God. But only one can judge me and that's my God, so Imma live my life like fuck what you thought" Big Sean
Monday, May 11, 2009
When I grow up....
“ I want to be a news lady”( Entertainment Tonight was my favorite show as a kid). That is the first thing I can ever remembering wanting to be. My mom says I used to want to be a vet, but I cant recall that one. But I doubt she’s lying so, I guess. You know how when you’re a kid you want to grow up and be something awesome? Do you remember what those occupations were? Are you doing that now? Are you even on the road to doing that now? I’m going to give you a list of all the jobs I wanted/want to do that I sooo am not doing:
As mentioned before, sometime around the ages of 5-7 years of age, I wanted to be a news anchor.
High School- Freshman and Sophomore year I wanted to be a band director ( said the band geek).
Junior Year- A commercial advertiser ( Because I did and still do have great ideas)
Senior year- Psychologist. But that dream was deferred because I had a terrible teacher who knew crap about the human brain. It’s not her fault…to some degree. You know how in high school there are those BS classes you take just to pass? Well, that what this class was to other students. But since I really wanted to know that stuff, I was disappointed in how things turned out.
College- When I got to college it was either radio/television or marketing. Once I saw the math and business requirements for marketing I threw that major the deuce!!! I decided, that if all I like to do is watch tv and listen to music, might as well work with it! So, I went back to my dream as a 5-7 year old as a news anchor.
Junior year of college- Once I realized that news sucked and working every day reporting sad and depressing news, is no better than a 9-5, it was too late to change my major. But my passion soon transferred to videos. I was inspired by one Kanye West song to direct a video and that has been my dream since...
Senior Year of college- I was suppose to direct a video for a close friend, but after some fellow students who promised to help backed out, I lost all faith in relying on people. So I decided I can start out with documentaries (which can be done with one person or a whole team). I figure I can start there and parlay that into music. I would be damnned if I begged someone to help me with anything ever again(which can be a huge handicap).
***Here are a few bonus jobs I seriously dreamed of having in college:
A role on Reno 911
An actress on Mad TV
Missy Elliots or Ludacris’s hype chic
So now my hobbies includes music videos and documentaries. I still have a 9-5, but my bills gotta get paid, right?
Oh and my new dream job:
A panelist on The View. (Yeah, I effing love that show)
"Only two can give you life: The Judge and God. But only one can judge me and that's my God, so Imma live my life like fuck what you thought" Big Sean
As mentioned before, sometime around the ages of 5-7 years of age, I wanted to be a news anchor.
High School- Freshman and Sophomore year I wanted to be a band director ( said the band geek).
Junior Year- A commercial advertiser ( Because I did and still do have great ideas)
Senior year- Psychologist. But that dream was deferred because I had a terrible teacher who knew crap about the human brain. It’s not her fault…to some degree. You know how in high school there are those BS classes you take just to pass? Well, that what this class was to other students. But since I really wanted to know that stuff, I was disappointed in how things turned out.
College- When I got to college it was either radio/television or marketing. Once I saw the math and business requirements for marketing I threw that major the deuce!!! I decided, that if all I like to do is watch tv and listen to music, might as well work with it! So, I went back to my dream as a 5-7 year old as a news anchor.
Junior year of college- Once I realized that news sucked and working every day reporting sad and depressing news, is no better than a 9-5, it was too late to change my major. But my passion soon transferred to videos. I was inspired by one Kanye West song to direct a video and that has been my dream since...
Senior Year of college- I was suppose to direct a video for a close friend, but after some fellow students who promised to help backed out, I lost all faith in relying on people. So I decided I can start out with documentaries (which can be done with one person or a whole team). I figure I can start there and parlay that into music. I would be damnned if I begged someone to help me with anything ever again(which can be a huge handicap).
***Here are a few bonus jobs I seriously dreamed of having in college:
A role on Reno 911
An actress on Mad TV
Missy Elliots or Ludacris’s hype chic
So now my hobbies includes music videos and documentaries. I still have a 9-5, but my bills gotta get paid, right?
Oh and my new dream job:
A panelist on The View. (Yeah, I effing love that show)
"Only two can give you life: The Judge and God. But only one can judge me and that's my God, so Imma live my life like fuck what you thought" Big Sean
Friday, May 8, 2009
Funny Fridays: D'Angelo...sort of
After doing such roles as Ray or being a Grammy award winning singer, I think we all forget how funny this dude is! Enjoy!
"Only two can give you life: The Judge and God. But only one can judge me and that's my God, so Imma live my life like fuck what you thought" Big Sean
"Only two can give you life: The Judge and God. But only one can judge me and that's my God, so Imma live my life like fuck what you thought" Big Sean
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Trust: Keyshi Cole feat Monica
I'm not the biggest Keyshia fan there is and I doubt I will ever be, but due to her hit show on Bet (Keyshia Cole: THe way it is) and her ghetto, but lovable mom, I've grown to like her as a person. She's like the ghetto cousin or friend you don't need to be around all the time, but you do love it when you see them after so many months or years. She has also softened up her image as a young Mary J had to do in her past. Keyshia doesn't have the greatest vocals, but her and Monica compliment each other well.
"Only two can give you life: The Judge and God. But only one can judge me and that's my God, so Imma live my life like fuck what you thought" Big Sean
"Only two can give you life: The Judge and God. But only one can judge me and that's my God, so Imma live my life like fuck what you thought" Big Sean
Throwback Thursday: Me, Myself and I
You know how when your younger you listen to songs but they don't me crap until you experience them? Well, this is one of the first songs I heard that I felt applied to my life. I was probably a freshman or sophomore in college and I just realize I got over my high school sweet heart. There were times when I felt like I would never get over that dude, but I did! Now, if I an only get this song to apply to my current situation, I should be straight. BUt as Bey says, "love is so blind it feels right, when it's wrong". Oh and I just love her part at the 1:45 mark. She sung that like it was the TRUTH. And although her baby daddy is associated with being a gangsta, Bey looked too gangsta at the end with the cigar!!! LOL! I absolutely loved it!
"Only two can give you life: The Judge and God. But only one can judge me and that's my God, so Imma live my life like fuck what you thought" Big Sean
"Only two can give you life: The Judge and God. But only one can judge me and that's my God, so Imma live my life like fuck what you thought" Big Sean
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
The Kid Honors: Whoopi Goldberg

Caryn Johnson, one of america’s most prominent comedians and actresses is most widely known by her stage name, Whoopi Goldberg. I honor miss Goldberg for the reason I honor most people: Respect. I can not ignore everything this woman has accomplished within a few years that some peole will NEVER do. Whoopi is one of the few people who has won an award in all of the four most highly respected genres. She has won an Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, and a Tony award. Think of your favorite actor and tell me if they have even come close to achieving these awards? Probably not. And that doesn’t mean that they aren’t any good, they’re just no Whoopi. What also make all these wins so special is that she never “sold out”. Now, it aint hard to tell that Whoopi is not your typical actress. She’s not white or light skinned, she not petite, she’s no, um, Halle Berry but shes not just used for humor. Goldberg got her big break doing stand up comedy, but her first lead role (or first movie role period) was her role as Celie Harris in The Color Purple. Film maker Stephen Speilberg saw something special in Whoopi and trusted this comedian enough to take on such a challenging and out of comfort zone role. Since then she’s been in hundreds of films, shows and sitcoms from, Star Trek to Lion King or from Sister Act to her Academy Award winning role in Ghost. I can respect that. I can also respect the fact that she never cut her dreds and how could I not? In a work environment where looks are everything, she never gave in.
Everyday when I get home I watch The View and Whoopi dresses like no other. Again, I must respect that. Now, if you didn’t know her past of being a home wrecker and past love affairs with certain men, you would probably think Goldberg was a lesbian. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but I do love the fact that she is so comfortable in her skin, she doesn’t care what anyone has to say. And obviously, she never has. I have mentioned this before, but of all celebrities there are to encounter, I would probably come to tears if I met her. I’m not really sure why, but I just respect her character. Ever since I was little I’ve always like Whoopi, although it wasn’t until I became an adult, I realized why. Again, respect. With Whoopi being one of two or three comedians on The View, everyone thought Whoopi would be on the show to add some comic relief, but she is now the voice of reason. On a comedic level I would NEVER compare myself to Whoopi, but I’m glad she takes a different position on the show. I don’t tell too many people that I’ve done stand up before because as soon as I do, they want me to say something funny and from there on out, I’m just seen as a funny person. They seem surprise when something intelligent comes out of my mouth because of course you can’t be funny and smart. That’s just crazy!
No matter you opinion about Ms. Goldberg, you now know you cant help but to respect her and what she stands for. And if you dare judge her, well, you didn’t really read this blog now did you?
Everyday when I get home I watch The View and Whoopi dresses like no other. Again, I must respect that. Now, if you didn’t know her past of being a home wrecker and past love affairs with certain men, you would probably think Goldberg was a lesbian. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but I do love the fact that she is so comfortable in her skin, she doesn’t care what anyone has to say. And obviously, she never has. I have mentioned this before, but of all celebrities there are to encounter, I would probably come to tears if I met her. I’m not really sure why, but I just respect her character. Ever since I was little I’ve always like Whoopi, although it wasn’t until I became an adult, I realized why. Again, respect. With Whoopi being one of two or three comedians on The View, everyone thought Whoopi would be on the show to add some comic relief, but she is now the voice of reason. On a comedic level I would NEVER compare myself to Whoopi, but I’m glad she takes a different position on the show. I don’t tell too many people that I’ve done stand up before because as soon as I do, they want me to say something funny and from there on out, I’m just seen as a funny person. They seem surprise when something intelligent comes out of my mouth because of course you can’t be funny and smart. That’s just crazy!
No matter you opinion about Ms. Goldberg, you now know you cant help but to respect her and what she stands for. And if you dare judge her, well, you didn’t really read this blog now did you?
"Only two can give you life: The Judge and God. But only one can judge me and that's my God, so Imma live my life like fuck what you thought" Big Sean
Monday, May 4, 2009
Featured Artist: Big Sean

Finally!! Drake got some competition! All over the websites and underground mixtapes all we keep hearing about is Drake! Now, don’t get it tangled like wild hair after sex: I digs Drake, but for a while it seemed as though he was in a category all his own. But there’s this new kid that I GUARANTEE will start the new “who’ better” convo. I mean, no one can just be hot, right? Somebodies got to be better. But it’s not always fair. It was NEVER fair to comapare Jigga to Nas or Eminem to Biggie, but people do it. I strongly believe theres going to be a “who’s better” competition among Drake and Big Sean because they’re both extremely young, both are backed by the hottest rappers out now, (Drake is backed by Lil Wayne and Big Sean is backed by the Louise Vuitton Don), and they both have mentally ill lyrics!!! Big Sean hails out of Detroit and kind of looks like a young Fabolous. He got his start by freestyling on local Detroit radio stations. One day he heard Kanye was at one of the stations and since he had built up such a good rapport with the station from his freestyling days, they allowed him in the studio to meet Ye. Upon meeting Kanye he spat a freestyle and from there on out, he was sign to GOOD records. Big Sean is super playful with his wordplay but showing skills and his hunger to be noticed when he raps lyrics such as “My city like ‘we need another hero'/I’m tired of playing the background like Tito/ Jackass niggas remind me a of Steve-o/ I put them in their place til I remind them of Deebo” or when he begins his mannish bragging on the perks of being a celebrity, “She know me and my boys are up and coming/ And she’s just trying to get us up and cumming”. I think this dude has massive potential to go mainstream, but right now his only fans are hip hop heads. Lets not forget, Lupe Fiasco had the same buzz and while he is known, he still hasn’t reached that superstar status but still has a loyal following. After hearing Big Seans mixtape, I’ve too have become a loyal follower. Please check out Big Sean at Uknowbigsean.com and don’t forget to download his mixtape while your at it (And although this album is on itunes, don’t buyit. Sean allows you download the album from his website for free)
"Only two can give you life: The Judge and God. But only one can judge me and that's my God, so Imma live my life like fuck what you thought" Big Sean
Friday, May 1, 2009
Funny Fridays: Chris and RiRi
Ok, Ok, OK! I get it! This is old news and you probably seen hundreds of Chrianna parodies, because domestic violence is funny, right? But this by far, in my opinion, is the funniest. It's a little long and after about two mins it's redundant, but if you can watch it all, go for it! Now, while I don't condone men hitting women (or vice versa) I do condone comedy, so don't you dare judge me!
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