Jazmine Sullivan recently released her soft but powerful video for Lions, Tigers and Bears from her album, Fearless. I must say the song alone is breath taking. She sings about things that would frighten most people (swim across the sea, sing for the queen and so on) and tells you how Fearless she really is. But, (there's always a but) one thing she is afraid of is loving this man in question. The one liner itself "Just cuz I love you and you love me, that doesn't mean that we'll ever be" tells you how heart breaking this song is for her. I hate to say, but I've been there and it's not a good feeling. It's sickening to be so in sync or in love with someone, but it just wont work out romantically. Ok, I'll stop with the mushy stuff. Check out this video. I absolutely love it! It's very dream like. If you have never seen The Wizard of Oz you wont understand that she is walking down the yellow brick road to home or in this case, her love...maybe(I didn't see Access Granted on BET.LOL)? Or that the title itself comes from the one of the most memerable quotes in the Wizard of OZ. (Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh my!) She too is in a dream like Dorothy was (And note, she too dreams in color). Surrounded by the unknown, but of course not afraid. What I love most is the video shows see through animated violins. The average listener would not notice that this song doesn't have not one drum, snare kick or triangle!! I think the violins gives a visual to draw attention to what IS in the song and what is not: no percussion, but yet the song is magical. It's almost like she is bringing the untrained ear to classical music via R&B. I love it! And please pay close attention to the 3:35 mark. The french horns dominate the violins, cello and the bits and pieces of the flute oh so beautifully. This is not only a remarkable song, but video as well. Now that I have given my two cent critique, please feel free to over analyze the video yourself...but please don't judge this fantastic peace of work!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Funny Fridays: Tourette's Guy
Tourette syndrome (damnit!) is a neurological disorder (screw you!) where a person has both motor (Bob Saget!) and vocal tics. I apologize. In all seriousness, tourettes syndrome is not funny and may God bless those who have it. But sometimes, you just have to laugh at stuff. I grew up with asthma and people constantly make fun of those who need to use an inhaler and I never took it personally(Although I should have. There's nothing funny about not being able to breath). But I find this guy to be hilarious. I doubt he really has TS, but if he does, shame on me! This may be a cruel sense of humor but please try to enjoy before you dare judge me! BOB SAGET!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Something fun that's usually an email
I started to send this as an email, but I figured this could be another way for my readers to learn a little bit more about me(even though I have a solid 3 viewers and they know me fairly well) . My answers may be a little off, but please don't judge me!
Do this survey and add a question at the end!
Where did your last kiss take place?
Parking lot of movie theatre
Who knows a secret or two about you?
Quite a few...is that a secret then?
Four words to explain why you last threw up?
drunk drink too fast
Have you ever burned yourself?
What's crazy to you?
People who follow the "norms"
Favorite cuss word:
idk, I don't have THAT much of a potty mouth.
Who is probably talking a load of crap about you right now?
I don't know, but I bet they won't say it in my face!
Who is your hero?
I'm thankful for everyone who's had an influence on my life.
Would you ever want to be a supermodel?
Hell to the naw! I likes to eat!!
Who is the most experimental person you know?
In what way????
Do you tell white lies?
When is your next party?
Probably a 90's party when I move
Who do you want to be with right now?
My Diamonds
Do you scratch when and where you want to scratch?
Yes I do...unless it's my nether region.
How do you handle a break up?
Eh, I usually do the breaking, so pretty well I guess.
Your motivation for tomorrow?
The unexpected. You NEVER know what tomorrow brings!
Do you know what you will wear tomorrow?
yep, cause it's Friday, and I can wear jeans...
Last person to make you laugh?
Last thing you ate?
A banana. (That sounds freaky, right)
Do you ever go a few days without changing your underwear?
First, GROSS!! Second, NO!
Have you ever accidentally eaten an insect?
I don't remember, but it is possible.
Do daddy long legs freak you out?
Have you ever cleaned up someone else's vomit?
no, but Karma will eventually catch up with me.
Have you ever dropped food on the floor and eaten it?
Do you kiss your pets on the mouth?
Do you talk baby talk?
What serial killer do you find most disturbing?
Not really a killer, but the writers of the Saw movies are sick and twisted!!!
Do you watch court tv?
Would you ever work in a retirement home?
Do you believe plants have feelings?
Do you laugh at people with "bowl" haircuts?
Do you have nervous twitches?
Are you ever purposely irritating?
If you could fly, where would you go first?
To my friends house to freak them out!
Do you prefer boats or planes?
Flying...I really love flying...or just being high! (pun intended)
Love or lust?
a little of column A, a little of column B
One best friend or 10 acquaintances?
???? That's a tough one....
Favorite food?
Do you believe that your first love never dies?
It changes...it's still there but it's different
What upcoming event are you waiting and ready for?
Nothing right now
Current smell?
Old banana peelings...lol
Do you get your nails done?
Not really
Most favorite person?
of all time?
Everyones my fav in their own special way!
What was the last thing you ordered at McDonald's?
2 Apple Pies
Are you an emotional person?
Do you like your name?
I LOVE it! Best name ever! Unisex names rock!!
Do you have plans this weekend?
Yep...very productive plans.
Do you work?
define "work"...lol! yes.
Do you dance naked in your room?
When did your last relationship end?
hmmm...August 2004
What are you listening to right now?
Musiq Soulchild-Whoknows
Biggest fear?
Working for my company til I retire
How long have you been a part of facebook?
Over 3yrs now.
Favorite place to be?
anywhere I am with friends & family...
What are you wearing right now?
gray slack, gray&teal sweater
Are your toes painted?
Yes and they are CUTE!
Does anyone hate you?
Shit, to hell with them if they do! I'm effing awesome!
How many people do you trust fully?
Did you have fun doing this?
I sure did!
What's one item that is on your bucket list?
Go sky diving!
If you could have anything at this moment, what would it be?
a puppy
If you could be any movie character in a show(no superpowers), who would you be?
Hmmm...Leo DiCaprio in "What's Eating Gilbert Grape".Weird, huh?
If you could go anywhere and see something, where/what would you see?
Rome and I would see everything!
Do you have it in you to take a life?
I've never done it, but I think I could.
What is your favorite memory with the person you copied this from?
hmmm...so many...improv practice, the chi, good talks about cats with aids and DL guys and white guys!
Do this survey and add a question at the end!
Where did your last kiss take place?
Parking lot of movie theatre
Who knows a secret or two about you?
Quite a few...is that a secret then?
Four words to explain why you last threw up?
drunk drink too fast
Have you ever burned yourself?
What's crazy to you?
People who follow the "norms"
Favorite cuss word:
idk, I don't have THAT much of a potty mouth.
Who is probably talking a load of crap about you right now?
I don't know, but I bet they won't say it in my face!
Who is your hero?
I'm thankful for everyone who's had an influence on my life.
Would you ever want to be a supermodel?
Hell to the naw! I likes to eat!!
Who is the most experimental person you know?
In what way????
Do you tell white lies?
When is your next party?
Probably a 90's party when I move
Who do you want to be with right now?
My Diamonds
Do you scratch when and where you want to scratch?
Yes I do...unless it's my nether region.
How do you handle a break up?
Eh, I usually do the breaking, so pretty well I guess.
Your motivation for tomorrow?
The unexpected. You NEVER know what tomorrow brings!
Do you know what you will wear tomorrow?
yep, cause it's Friday, and I can wear jeans...
Last person to make you laugh?
Last thing you ate?
A banana. (That sounds freaky, right)
Do you ever go a few days without changing your underwear?
First, GROSS!! Second, NO!
Have you ever accidentally eaten an insect?
I don't remember, but it is possible.
Do daddy long legs freak you out?
Have you ever cleaned up someone else's vomit?
no, but Karma will eventually catch up with me.
Have you ever dropped food on the floor and eaten it?
Do you kiss your pets on the mouth?
Do you talk baby talk?
What serial killer do you find most disturbing?
Not really a killer, but the writers of the Saw movies are sick and twisted!!!
Do you watch court tv?
Would you ever work in a retirement home?
Do you believe plants have feelings?
Do you laugh at people with "bowl" haircuts?
Do you have nervous twitches?
Are you ever purposely irritating?
If you could fly, where would you go first?
To my friends house to freak them out!
Do you prefer boats or planes?
Flying...I really love flying...or just being high! (pun intended)
Love or lust?
a little of column A, a little of column B
One best friend or 10 acquaintances?
???? That's a tough one....
Favorite food?
Do you believe that your first love never dies?
It changes...it's still there but it's different
What upcoming event are you waiting and ready for?
Nothing right now
Current smell?
Old banana peelings...lol
Do you get your nails done?
Not really
Most favorite person?
of all time?
Everyones my fav in their own special way!
What was the last thing you ordered at McDonald's?
2 Apple Pies
Are you an emotional person?
Do you like your name?
I LOVE it! Best name ever! Unisex names rock!!
Do you have plans this weekend?
Yep...very productive plans.
Do you work?
define "work"...lol! yes.
Do you dance naked in your room?
When did your last relationship end?
hmmm...August 2004
What are you listening to right now?
Musiq Soulchild-Whoknows
Biggest fear?
Working for my company til I retire
How long have you been a part of facebook?
Over 3yrs now.
Favorite place to be?
anywhere I am with friends & family...
What are you wearing right now?
gray slack, gray&teal sweater
Are your toes painted?
Yes and they are CUTE!
Does anyone hate you?
Shit, to hell with them if they do! I'm effing awesome!
How many people do you trust fully?
Did you have fun doing this?
I sure did!
What's one item that is on your bucket list?
Go sky diving!
If you could have anything at this moment, what would it be?
a puppy
If you could be any movie character in a show(no superpowers), who would you be?
Hmmm...Leo DiCaprio in "What's Eating Gilbert Grape".Weird, huh?
If you could go anywhere and see something, where/what would you see?
Rome and I would see everything!
Do you have it in you to take a life?
I've never done it, but I think I could.
What is your favorite memory with the person you copied this from?
hmmm...so many...improv practice, the chi, good talks about cats with aids and DL guys and white guys!
Throwback Thursday: Splackavellie
S-P-L-A-C-K-A-V-E-L-L-I-E, Splackavellie!! Did yall forget about Pressha's BIG hit? Yes, yall did! And right now, most of yall are saying "ohhh, this used to be my jam!"!! It's ok. It was my jam too! While most (respectful) women won't admit they have a splackavellie, we all do (or did)! Sometimes you just need a "fix"! Don't you dare judge the rauchyness of the song. Just enjoy and let it take you back to junior high when you first heard it and when your horny ass shouldn't have been listening to it in the first place!!!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Wanted Wednesdays:Christian Louboutins

"I am so dope! Like Louboutins with red bottom, you gotta have 'em, you glad you got 'em"- "I know"Jay-Z. Damnit Jigga man, you ain't never lied. These shoes are so damn expensive Oprah won't even buy them. Not that she can't, cause hell, if she wanted to, she could probably buy me! (J/K) But these shoes range anywhere from $2500 to $5000! I don't think they are worth THAT much, but damn those shoes are bad!! If it makes you feel any better, each shoe is hand made and only touched by seven people. And as Jay-Z said they have a red bottom, which aside from their unique look, is their trademark. Others have faked the funk with the red bottom shoes, but there is only one Christian Louboutin. One day I tell you, I WILL have a pair! And they will hang on my mantle like the piece of art work they are. You may not like them, but don't you dare judge me for wanting these puppies! (sorry, bout the small pic, btw)
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
What are you mixed with?

For those of you who constantly ask this question you have no idea what it feels like to be asked this question 24/7. To you, it's a simple question of curiosity (fair enough) but to the person in question, it's almost like saying "you're an outcast". Now, some biracial people are well rounded enough to as to where they feel comfortable in any setting, but that's not always the case. Take my friend for example. She has an african american father and a caucasian mother. But she is not Halle Berry or Alicia Keys "mixed", she is Mariah Carey "mixed", as in she looks more white than black. The question of her being mixed rarely comes up because she looks white with a nice tan...or maybe hispanic. Anywho, although by law she is african american she identifies with her moms family more. They seem more accepting. Not that her black family disses her, but when your the one marshmellow in the rocky road ice cream, you tend to stand out. I joke with her all the time about how she's trying to "pass", but I would never ask her which side she claims ( Ok, I would, but I don't think I have yet). That is a tough question to ask. You are denying a race that is 50% you if you only claim one half. Moving on...she feels somewhat comfortable around white people because in her words, "they don't have the balls to ask if I am mixed with anything". Black people on the other hand, we'll ask you what your mixed with even if you're standing next to your white mother and black father! You have to really think hard about this. Wouldn't it be a little hard for you to live life identifying with one half of your heritage better than the other half?
Now, I am not mixed...exactly. I do have a history of Indians and French and let's just say creole in my family. My hair is not like the typical "black girls hair". It's longer and curlier. I've always considered myself to be african american, but people tend to ask me what I'm mixed with. They rarely say white, but Puerto Rican, Hispanic and Indian come up a lot. Now I just tell people I'm half Russian/half Asian. I guess these questions stem mainly from my hair. I never felt different because my family never made a big deal out of it. They never told me I had "good" or "water wave hair". If anything, my mom used to tell me I "need to comb my nappy head sometimes"!! When I'm around a majority of any other race but african american, I don't feel uncomfortable, but I do notice that I am the only negro around. I feel totally at peace around my black people...until that one person ask "What you mixed with?" Right then and there I feel like an outcast. I don't look at other black girls and think "oh, she's darker than me" or "Oh, her hair is shorter than mine". They tend to point this out to me, so then my being comfortable gets over shadowed by the fact that I have "water wave hair" WTF is water wave? I mean, I know, but who made that a phrase? Anywho, before you ask someone what their mix with, keep in mind that you making them feel slightly different. I still kick it with blacks and I start everyday off new as if no one has ever asked me such a question. But like a hard headed kid who hasn't learned their lesson, I start to feel odd once someone raises the question: "What are you mixed with"?
Thank you for not judging.
Monday, January 26, 2009
To Be or Not to Be: That Be the Question

"That be the question". Ahh, don't you just love Ebonics at it's best? Ok, this whole blog stems from seven words that a radio personality said. In seven simple words, he clarified the much debated topic of whether people choose to be gay or if they are born gay. Now,it seems like this question would allow complex answers, but most people want a direct answer. Your not going to get a direct answer from me because depending on sex, situations or whatever,each answer is different.
**Note: I am not doing this because I am in favor or against gays or whatever, but because this is such a hot topic, I just wanted to give my point of view.
1. Does being "Bi" count? I ask because I remember Angelina Jolie saying that she is not attracted to ones physical appearance or sex, but their spirit. So if a woman's spirit is attractive, then she's all game! I don't know how other people feel but, if she attracted to one's personality, so be it. I think its gay or bi, but not just something to do. I think they are born with an instinct like that. So, if that is the case they are born gay.
2. Although something "to do" would be a typical college girl (usually) "experimenting". Now, since I didn't go through that experimental phase, maybe I can't comment. But guess who's blog it is and guess who's going to comment anyway? Yep. Me! Ok, as I was saying, girls for some reason feel college drunkenness is the time to make out with her roommate or bff. Why? Who knows? But more than likely these girl will do it and love it, hate it, or just leave it as the experiment it was. But from what I've seen they all seem to graduate, be successful and marry rich men (Damn, maybe I should have...just kidding)! So for these "gay" girls, I say they choose to behave that way.
3. What about these "DL" brothers. I don't know what to say honestly. I wish they would just say they're bi or just come out the damn closet! I mean, hell, God knows what you are, so why lie to the public? Why pass diseases to other women and men? I know the answer to all of those questions and will attempt to answer them in my next point. But these guys, choose to be "DL" or gay. I say this because if ONLY a man turns on another man, that's gay. But if that same man is turned on by a girl and a man, he's choosing to be that way. Maybe he likes the feel of another man. Or maybe he likes the feeling in a place that women cant get to. So DL bros, Choose!
4. Ah, now to the whole reason I did this blog. The real gay man/woman: The man/woman that is slowly being accepted by society. Let me tell you what the radio personality said, "Nobody chooses to be something that's hated". Light bulb! There is no way I can argue with a statement like that. Do you know the terrible things that has happened or that happens to gay men/women? Men have been beat up, raped and sodomized with beer bottles for being gay. To my point earlier about "DL" brothers, while I hate the fact that they are living a lie, I can honestly say I don't blame them. Gay women are given a hard time by other women who don't want to undress around them or like anyone else get called ugly names. Now, who WANTS to live that kind of life? They can pretend they're not gay, but it's only for so long one can pretend. Their real emotions and feelings will come out. It's like someone WANTING to be a Jew in a concentration camp. Who wants to be hated? Who wants to be hurt, harmed or killed for something they are perpetrating? Would you plead guilty and go to jail for a crime you didn't do? Well, to me, that's almost the same as coming out of the closet and having to suffer with how society treats you. If this is who they truly think they are, let it be. So to this point, I think OPEN gay men/women are born gay.
I am not supporting gays but I am not condemning them either, if anything it takes a lot to be that brave and open. What they do will be judge by the big man up yonder, as will all of our faults and sins. Controversial subject? Yes. Discuss this with your family and friends, but don't you dare judge.
1. Does being "Bi" count? I ask because I remember Angelina Jolie saying that she is not attracted to ones physical appearance or sex, but their spirit. So if a woman's spirit is attractive, then she's all game! I don't know how other people feel but, if she attracted to one's personality, so be it. I think its gay or bi, but not just something to do. I think they are born with an instinct like that. So, if that is the case they are born gay.
2. Although something "to do" would be a typical college girl (usually) "experimenting". Now, since I didn't go through that experimental phase, maybe I can't comment. But guess who's blog it is and guess who's going to comment anyway? Yep. Me! Ok, as I was saying, girls for some reason feel college drunkenness is the time to make out with her roommate or bff. Why? Who knows? But more than likely these girl will do it and love it, hate it, or just leave it as the experiment it was. But from what I've seen they all seem to graduate, be successful and marry rich men (Damn, maybe I should have...just kidding)! So for these "gay" girls, I say they choose to behave that way.
3. What about these "DL" brothers. I don't know what to say honestly. I wish they would just say they're bi or just come out the damn closet! I mean, hell, God knows what you are, so why lie to the public? Why pass diseases to other women and men? I know the answer to all of those questions and will attempt to answer them in my next point. But these guys, choose to be "DL" or gay. I say this because if ONLY a man turns on another man, that's gay. But if that same man is turned on by a girl and a man, he's choosing to be that way. Maybe he likes the feel of another man. Or maybe he likes the feeling in a place that women cant get to. So DL bros, Choose!
4. Ah, now to the whole reason I did this blog. The real gay man/woman: The man/woman that is slowly being accepted by society. Let me tell you what the radio personality said, "Nobody chooses to be something that's hated". Light bulb! There is no way I can argue with a statement like that. Do you know the terrible things that has happened or that happens to gay men/women? Men have been beat up, raped and sodomized with beer bottles for being gay. To my point earlier about "DL" brothers, while I hate the fact that they are living a lie, I can honestly say I don't blame them. Gay women are given a hard time by other women who don't want to undress around them or like anyone else get called ugly names. Now, who WANTS to live that kind of life? They can pretend they're not gay, but it's only for so long one can pretend. Their real emotions and feelings will come out. It's like someone WANTING to be a Jew in a concentration camp. Who wants to be hated? Who wants to be hurt, harmed or killed for something they are perpetrating? Would you plead guilty and go to jail for a crime you didn't do? Well, to me, that's almost the same as coming out of the closet and having to suffer with how society treats you. If this is who they truly think they are, let it be. So to this point, I think OPEN gay men/women are born gay.
I am not supporting gays but I am not condemning them either, if anything it takes a lot to be that brave and open. What they do will be judge by the big man up yonder, as will all of our faults and sins. Controversial subject? Yes. Discuss this with your family and friends, but don't you dare judge.
Travis Barker: Crank That
I have NEVER,EVER,EVER,EVER in my lifetime been a fan of soulja boy! Now, I'm not hating(Though some of that shit y'all pop to it, I ain't relating
If I don't like it, I don't like it, that don't mean that I'm hating-Common) but I just don't like dudes music. But oh my word! What Travis Barker did to this song is just ridiculous! He should be thrown under the jail for this one! You may not like it, but damn you if you dare judge it!!
If I don't like it, I don't like it, that don't mean that I'm hating-Common) but I just don't like dudes music. But oh my word! What Travis Barker did to this song is just ridiculous! He should be thrown under the jail for this one! You may not like it, but damn you if you dare judge it!!
Friday, January 23, 2009
Air Force One
This is a clip of our President (need I say the name?)making his first trip on Air Force One. Nothing really to judge here. Enjoy!
Funny Fridays
I have no idea of who this dude is or where he came from but this is one of the funniest things I've ever seen! If you have a good sense of humor please watch, but if you are easily offended by women being called a "B!*@# or any other word that you wouldn't say in chuch, please move on to the next blog. This is not for children! Honestly, it probably shouldn't be for me, but I will continue to support this dude until I am older and mature enough to think this isn't funny. But dudes delivery is to die for! If you don't like, it's cool, but don't you dare judge me!!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Educational: Happy New Orbit!!!
I know I'm 22 days late to be wishing anyone a happy new year (unless it's the Chinese. They're celebrating their new year January 26th, so I guess, I'm ok), but I stumbled on this video and I would like to share it. We all know that we are basically nothing in this universe, right?I mean, humans to the universe is like an atom to a human. With all the hooplah of the new President, super star status celebrities, and our severe issues of not knowing what to do the next weekend, I thought it would be neat and educational for us to take a gander of how BIG we are (she said sarcastically) in this universe alone. Think about how extraordinary your creator is!! WOW! Let's humble ourselves people...everyone can't be great like me! Just kidding! And don't think for one second I am judging anyone!!!
Throwback Thursday!!!
"sick of that song on hows it so long, thought he worked his until i handled my biz, there I is; Major Payne like Damon Wayans, low down dirty even,like is brother Keenan schemin. Don't leave your girl round me, true player for real, ask Puff Daddy"
With Notorious making it's film debut this past weekend, it seemed only right to play a Biggie video for this weeks "Throwback Thursdays"! AND, since it came in at number four, respectivily at the box office,I'm going to play "One More Chance" so that maybe he'll get one more chance for the number one spot at the box office (pun was definitly intended). Feel free to rap along whether you're at home or at your desk at work. I don't know one person who doesn't know all the lyrics to this song, but if you don't, I wouldn't dare judge you!
**Please note Totals entrance at the :28sec mark! I love it! They came in that joint like it was their party!!
With Notorious making it's film debut this past weekend, it seemed only right to play a Biggie video for this weeks "Throwback Thursdays"! AND, since it came in at number four, respectivily at the box office,I'm going to play "One More Chance" so that maybe he'll get one more chance for the number one spot at the box office (pun was definitly intended). Feel free to rap along whether you're at home or at your desk at work. I don't know one person who doesn't know all the lyrics to this song, but if you don't, I wouldn't dare judge you!
**Please note Totals entrance at the :28sec mark! I love it! They came in that joint like it was their party!!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Wanted Wednesdays
This is the first edition of Wanted Wednesday! YAY!!! Every Wednesday I will TRY (big emphasis on try) to post a pic or video of things I or some of you all may want. It could be Will Smith, a new cd or dvd set, or some shoes!!! Anything random and anything WANTED! Hope you enjoy...and if not, don't you dare judge me!

This is Coaches Resort Sabrina. As you can see beautiful colors ranging from royal blue, to purple to ruby red! Some of it's features include:
Inside zip pocket
Multifunction pocket
Zipper closure
Multifunction pocket
Zipper closure
Fabric lining
24" detachable shoulder strap can be worn on shoulder or crossbody
18" handles
5" drop
24" detachable shoulder strap can be worn on shoulder or crossbody
18" handles
5" drop
Priced at $358 from Coach.com
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

So, I'm watching the news and I waited all of 24 mins just for the weather (As I'm sure a lot of you do,espcially women) and IT happened. As Ron Jackson, chief meteorologist( who is not of Native American descent) of Fox 4 News did the seven day forecast, he explains that there would be a 20% chance of rain. Please think that through in your head. A 20% chance of rain? Maybe I'm missing something, but does that make any sense. What's the difference between the 20% or 80% chance. Either way, you need to take your umbrella to be on the safe side, right? I mean, it's not like there are other weather conditions that may happen. I would be more than grateful if there were a 20%chance of fog, 30%chance of rain, 40%chance of sleet, and 10%chance of sunshine.I'm not sure where you live, but here in North Texas, we only only have two weather conditions during the summer months: 5 degrees cooler than hell and Thunderstorm Warning/Watch. Thats all. Nothing in between. Nada. So, as one of my friends pointed out, Ron Jackson might as well say, "It might rain today". You're still going to dress accordingly. And while we're on it, it might as well be the same for people on ICU who only have the option of living or dying. If you're going to start throwing numbers, let there be a 50% chance they'll die, 30% chance they'll be brain dead, and a 20% chance they'll live. It may seem harsh, but you know I'm right. I just have a problem with giving something any type of percentage more or less than 50%, when there are only two options of the outcome. Don't you dare judge me!!
"The hood loves to listen to Jeezy and Weezy and oh yeah, Yeezy!"
"The hood love to listen to Jeezy and Weezy, and oh yeah, Yeezy"
Do they now? I think they do. But my question is, why? You can bet your bottom, hard working dollar that I am the biggest Kanye fan. The only thing is, I'm not sure why I love him so much. No disrespect, but I'm definitely not attracted to him(I'm chick btw). Ugly? No. He's just not that guy that's going to make me look twice back at like I did when I saw Dre 3 grand at my local mall and tripped because he's just strolling around entourage free. Anypoo, back to the subject. I guess I have many reasons why I love Ye so much that only makes sense to me (and maybe anyone else who loves music so much it makes them cry sometimes) if I roll them up in one.
His first single was "Through the Wire". That will always be my favorite of his. It's just a classic. Was the beat for that track doper than the trunk of Jay-Z's 95 Lexus? Hell yeah it was!! Now, was it the dopest beat ever? Betcha by gollie wow NO! True, it was something in that bass line that was so mesmerizing I think it could carry the song alone. Were the lyrics honest and clever? Yes sir! Were those the hottest lines of '03? I don't think so, Tim. The video. The video was dope in it's own original, unique, creative way. But not the hottest video I've ever seen. "So, what is it Kid? Why do you love Ye so much?" As far as music goes, there was nothing original about the Chaka Khan sample, but it was a breath of fresh air and I am a sucker for samples just because I feel they have soul and therefore makes the rapper step their game up. So, there's one right there. Another thing is the video. The first time I saw the video, I was thinking how dope this beat is and why this dude whom I've never heard of has all these famous people (Mos Def, Jay-Z, Talib Kweli, Twista, and others) in his low budget video? To answer my question, at the end of the video, Kanye announces he's the newest member of the Roc-fella team. So then I go back and wonder, "Damn Jay! You got bread, hook the brother up with a fly video directed by Hype with bitches and hoes". But obviously, Ye didn't want that. He was more than glad to pay for a video directed by his homeboy. Last and most importantly, the lyrics. Lyrically, Kanye told us who he was, what songs he produced for the classic Blueprint, and the he was in a car wreck. Did you hear me?! Please watch.No! Analyze for yourself:
OMG! That's so gangsta! Unlike most first time artist with pointless, repeated lyrics, hot videos and the best Timbaland beat money can buy, he came out with that stuff and somehow still caught the hearts of many (at least mine). That move he made was damn near suicide for any artist, let alone a a dude announcing himself nationwide for the first time. That's just brave! Heck naw he's not the first rapper to do that either, but he is one of the few to do that and succeed. I know he had to fight with Dame and record executives extra hard to put that out as a single. Then he has the nerve to have the follow up single be "Jesus Walks"? What is this cat thinking? If you're not snapping your fingers to the bass line or shooting someone (lyrically), it's hard to make it in the music industry. I don't know if that was luck or what, but damn. That sure is special.
That's what it was. It was that confidence and braveness alone that had me drawn to this guy. You're probably wondering did I really notice ALL of that while watching the video in less than four minutes. HELL yeah I did! I knew this beat was too dope for a low budget video and this no name dude took that chance with that single and I was really interested in finding out who he was and where in the hell he came from. He obviously wasn't too new behind the scenes. And his wardrobe? Well, that's another blog. Well thanks for reading,if you made it this far. LOL! And as aways, don't you dare judge me!
Do they now? I think they do. But my question is, why? You can bet your bottom, hard working dollar that I am the biggest Kanye fan. The only thing is, I'm not sure why I love him so much. No disrespect, but I'm definitely not attracted to him(I'm chick btw). Ugly? No. He's just not that guy that's going to make me look twice back at like I did when I saw Dre 3 grand at my local mall and tripped because he's just strolling around entourage free. Anypoo, back to the subject. I guess I have many reasons why I love Ye so much that only makes sense to me (and maybe anyone else who loves music so much it makes them cry sometimes) if I roll them up in one.
His first single was "Through the Wire". That will always be my favorite of his. It's just a classic. Was the beat for that track doper than the trunk of Jay-Z's 95 Lexus? Hell yeah it was!! Now, was it the dopest beat ever? Betcha by gollie wow NO! True, it was something in that bass line that was so mesmerizing I think it could carry the song alone. Were the lyrics honest and clever? Yes sir! Were those the hottest lines of '03? I don't think so, Tim. The video. The video was dope in it's own original, unique, creative way. But not the hottest video I've ever seen. "So, what is it Kid? Why do you love Ye so much?" As far as music goes, there was nothing original about the Chaka Khan sample, but it was a breath of fresh air and I am a sucker for samples just because I feel they have soul and therefore makes the rapper step their game up. So, there's one right there. Another thing is the video. The first time I saw the video, I was thinking how dope this beat is and why this dude whom I've never heard of has all these famous people (Mos Def, Jay-Z, Talib Kweli, Twista, and others) in his low budget video? To answer my question, at the end of the video, Kanye announces he's the newest member of the Roc-fella team. So then I go back and wonder, "Damn Jay! You got bread, hook the brother up with a fly video directed by Hype with bitches and hoes". But obviously, Ye didn't want that. He was more than glad to pay for a video directed by his homeboy. Last and most importantly, the lyrics. Lyrically, Kanye told us who he was, what songs he produced for the classic Blueprint, and the he was in a car wreck. Did you hear me?! Please watch.No! Analyze for yourself:
OMG! That's so gangsta! Unlike most first time artist with pointless, repeated lyrics, hot videos and the best Timbaland beat money can buy, he came out with that stuff and somehow still caught the hearts of many (at least mine). That move he made was damn near suicide for any artist, let alone a a dude announcing himself nationwide for the first time. That's just brave! Heck naw he's not the first rapper to do that either, but he is one of the few to do that and succeed. I know he had to fight with Dame and record executives extra hard to put that out as a single. Then he has the nerve to have the follow up single be "Jesus Walks"? What is this cat thinking? If you're not snapping your fingers to the bass line or shooting someone (lyrically), it's hard to make it in the music industry. I don't know if that was luck or what, but damn. That sure is special.
That's what it was. It was that confidence and braveness alone that had me drawn to this guy. You're probably wondering did I really notice ALL of that while watching the video in less than four minutes. HELL yeah I did! I knew this beat was too dope for a low budget video and this no name dude took that chance with that single and I was really interested in finding out who he was and where in the hell he came from. He obviously wasn't too new behind the scenes. And his wardrobe? Well, that's another blog. Well thanks for reading,if you made it this far. LOL! And as aways, don't you dare judge me!
Kanye Keeps it Real!
I tell you who does that, my soul mate Kanye Omarie West. I know what you're thinking,"Please not another blog about this dude"! Well, it is! I get so sick and oh so tired (Not really, though. I could care less, but I need a reason to say what I'm about to say) of dudes,specifically rappers claiming they keeps it real! On the real, who is to say what is real. Not just real talk, but real. Yeah, I love Jigga just as much as the next hip hop head, but more than likely he DID sell drugs in his prime, but dude wasn't pitching "BIG game" if you know what I mean. He was probably nickeling and diming, maybe selling an ounce or two just like any other local dealer. He just has "real talk". Sorry J, I ain't buying it. And Biggie? I like him too, but he was hardly doing 1/10 of what he claims on the hit classic,"Dead Wrong". Again, that was just "real talk",not "real". Now, there's nothing wrong with NOT "keeping it real" but I just think we should acknowledge how Kanye does keep it real.If you listen to his raps, he rarely threatens to kill anyone or let alone hit or rape (lil Webby) someone. Now, in his classic "Spaceship" he does rap "If my manager assaults me again/I will be assaulting him/after I f**k the manager up/then I'm going to shorten the register up". In all honesty, the way this dude cries about not getting an award, I really do think he would fight his own boss. But that's neither here nor there. I guess I feel I can relate to 'Ye like because he comes from a middle class family and was probably pretty sheltered his whole life. But you didn't see him entering the rap game with baggy jeans (also known as the "wear my pants low for easy access pants) , white tee's, grilled out mouth and always throwing bitches and hoes in his videos. And honestly in my book, that is exactly what a breakout artist is known to do. Not that they ARE that way, but that is what is marketable. Kanye came with the preppy polo style look and not ashamed of his love for fashion. He went platinum and doesn't rap guns. I love that. I love that he raps like a dude from the suburbs. Just real talk when he rymthes. This is the main reason why I even started on this blog. Please take a second to watch:
"That nigga Beans, that ain't no studio rapper! I'm not beefing with Beans! That nigga don't give a f**k" LMAO!!! I'm sorry, I love Kanye with a crazy passion, but that ish was funny. It doesn't get any more "real" than that. Any other rapper would have seen this as an opportunity to beef and hype themselves up for more sales and spins (*cough*cough, Soulja Boy and Ice T), but Kanye played that down! And that's what I love about him! He knows Beanie is a real street dude, but yet he was still man enough to be like "dude, just respect me". That is what real is. You could say he went out like a punk, but a smart man knows his boundaries. I don't blame him. I wouldn't dare try to have beef with Remy Ma. Hell, she shot her bestfriend, so they say. And on another note, that nigga Ye is hott enough that he don't need to play out no beef with anyone! Period! Lyrically, he ain't better than Jigga, but I bet Hov wouldn't dare drop his album the same day as Ye! That's just how hott he is! Yeah I said it! Remember, dont you dare judge me!!
"That nigga Beans, that ain't no studio rapper! I'm not beefing with Beans! That nigga don't give a f**k" LMAO!!! I'm sorry, I love Kanye with a crazy passion, but that ish was funny. It doesn't get any more "real" than that. Any other rapper would have seen this as an opportunity to beef and hype themselves up for more sales and spins (*cough*cough, Soulja Boy and Ice T), but Kanye played that down! And that's what I love about him! He knows Beanie is a real street dude, but yet he was still man enough to be like "dude, just respect me". That is what real is. You could say he went out like a punk, but a smart man knows his boundaries. I don't blame him. I wouldn't dare try to have beef with Remy Ma. Hell, she shot her bestfriend, so they say. And on another note, that nigga Ye is hott enough that he don't need to play out no beef with anyone! Period! Lyrically, he ain't better than Jigga, but I bet Hov wouldn't dare drop his album the same day as Ye! That's just how hott he is! Yeah I said it! Remember, dont you dare judge me!!
It's the Roc!
So, I haven't been on here in so long, they discontinued my page. It's all good. I'm not mad. It's not that I didn't have much to say before, but I just have more time to type it now. Being that I work in an office (Not THE OFFICE. But boy if I could....) and stare at a computer all day, the last thing I want to do at home is log on. But below is a blog I wrote over a year ago. I'm only re-posting this one because as much as I love the following artist, I still believe a lot of my theries to be true. Don't judge, just comment. Enjoy!
Before you read this,please know that Jigga is one of my favorite rappers and all that is about to be written is just a theory.I dont want any trouble with the government or "the man".He calls himself hova the god.Really,when he forms the "roc"symbol with his hand,is he refering to a diamond like Kanye,or is he refering to the 3rd rock from the sun? Think before you answer .Before, the death of Pac and Big, Jigga was a hustler who rapped.He wasnt getting the props that he felt he deserved(Jigga held it down 6 summers/damn wheres the love?-Heart of the City/Blueprint).He knew that BIG and PAC had beef,so he definitly was the least likely suspect of the death of either. Once he did Brooklyns Finest he knew he could be king of the rap world,but he didnt want any competition. Actually there wouldnt have been any.It would still to this day be about Pac and Biggie,not Nas,Jay,or Ma$e(yea,I liked Mase and I think he had potential to be hot sh*t).There was no room left. So somehow he had those two taken out. Remember Jigga was probably in some Mafia like ish where he knew people who knew really bad people(I lived/visit in NYC for over 3months. That crap is REAL and common). Big was easy to do because he "kicked it with him"(...and if I aint bigger than Big/I'm the closest one-Hola Hovito-Blueprint) Cuz,like Nasir said "you claim biggies ya man/then you got the nerve to say you better than BIG...-Ether-stILLMATIC"They werent that close I guess. And as far a Pac goes,Jigga had to cut some kind of deal with Suge(I told ya in '96 that I came to take this shit and I did-Heart of the City/Blueprint).And speaking of Nas, Jay-Z wasnt getting the "king-like"attention he thought he deserved(Reasonable Doubt/classic,shoulda went tripple-Heart of the City-Blueprint),so he started picking on Nas for a new beef battle. Someone who he THOUGHT he could punk But seriously,those dudes shouldnt be compared in the first place.They are two totally different rappers.Both awesome in their own way,but one raps about the hustlin(mafioso rapper) and the other raps about life and whatever.(I'm not too much of a Nas fan,but I know he doesnt rap about hustlin) Their battles were pointless.I think Big and Pac had REAL beef. Jays and Nas' beef was just a great way to draw attention to the great Blueprint and stILLMATIC albums.To me,its like comparing T.I and Common.Nope.Sorry.Not realistic.And then to Aaliyah. Damon Dash HAD the hottest chic in the game who was changing her tomboyish,girl next door look to a grown and sexy look and while Jigga Man could have had Beyonce then,it wouldnt have been a big deal. She would have just been Beyonce of Destinys child.But if Aaliyahs plane didnt go down on "accident",we all know she would be what that is right now. He knew when her plane was at the time:"Hey Dame,whats up for this month?"Dame;"Well,my girl,the hottest chic out there who has changed her girl next door image to sexy lady is shooting a hot video on this date and we're gonna kick it til then. Man,Imma be so playa with her on my arms.But thats about it".So Jay talks it over with some people has the plane to go down. So, a few months prior to that, they are at a hot Hollywood party and Jay spots Beyonce across the room."Hey,let me talk business with you"Jigga says to "Bey"."Now,you do have what it takes to be number one,but you gotta let me help you.ANd trust me,I know how to be number one cause everything I touch is gold"he says."I'm listening"says Beyonce.Jay,"First you gotta thrown me on your records.Ya know,get you some street credit. Then you gotta make sure there is no competion.But you let me handle that.Then,you gotta loose your 3 or 4 or however many it is of you chics now in Hopes Child. They just holding you down. And then..." Beyonce,then interupts "Ok, I hear ya. If Michelle dont start wearing the too little skirts that my mama make,she was gonna be out anyways". So she sips her Martini and looks at him like,"fa sho". Beyonce,then signal for a high five,but Jay looks her dead in the eyes and says "No Bey,we throw up the roc.Cuz I'm hova the god,and I hold the whole world in my hands...like the sunday school song at yo southern church Dallas"."Actually,Im from Houston",she says."Whatever" he replies. Now Beyonce is on top,and Jay-z comes out with Bonnie and Clyde(To me,it was a slap in the face to Dame).So he constantly throws it around,"I got the hottest chic in the game wearin my chain-PSA-Black Album". Of course he could have had the chic from "Girl,girl,girls-Blueprint"(I got this project chic/that plays her part/and if it goes down yall thats my heart...) but,she was probably this hood Iesha" standing on a bus stop,sucking on a lolly pop" chic who wouldnt be physically fit for a king. Jay is a tall dude.So he's gotta have a tall model like chic. He basically made her a star(mama,let me upgrade ya-Upgrade ya-Bday). He keeps her around like a trophy(Beyonce:When you in the big meetings for the mills,you take me just to complement the deal-Bday) You didnt see Scarface with no ugly chic did you? He had to make sure she was this sweet,young girl that America loves.Now he just the f*cking man. So he disses Dame who basically started Roc a Fella.I mean,isnt that the way ganstas,mafias and the mob do it? They take over what their bosses was doing once they learn everything,and then they take their chic. Now,he didnt take Dames chic,but he did go for the next best hot chic(respectively). So,to reiterate,he had to get rid of the "bosses"of rap(biggie and pac)and he had to have the hot chic. Reminds ME a lot of SCARFACE.Like I said,he knew what he was doing since 1996. AND again,this is just a theory,I have no problem with Jay or Beyonce,just random thoughts of a creative thinker with too much to think about. Upcoming blogs,"6 flags,the number one drug lord" and "My back's against the Wal-mart".Stay Black!
Before you read this,please know that Jigga is one of my favorite rappers and all that is about to be written is just a theory.I dont want any trouble with the government or "the man".He calls himself hova the god.Really,when he forms the "roc"symbol with his hand,is he refering to a diamond like Kanye,or is he refering to the 3rd rock from the sun? Think before you answer .Before, the death of Pac and Big, Jigga was a hustler who rapped.He wasnt getting the props that he felt he deserved(Jigga held it down 6 summers/damn wheres the love?-Heart of the City/Blueprint).He knew that BIG and PAC had beef,so he definitly was the least likely suspect of the death of either. Once he did Brooklyns Finest he knew he could be king of the rap world,but he didnt want any competition. Actually there wouldnt have been any.It would still to this day be about Pac and Biggie,not Nas,Jay,or Ma$e(yea,I liked Mase and I think he had potential to be hot sh*t).There was no room left. So somehow he had those two taken out. Remember Jigga was probably in some Mafia like ish where he knew people who knew really bad people(I lived/visit in NYC for over 3months. That crap is REAL and common). Big was easy to do because he "kicked it with him"(...and if I aint bigger than Big/I'm the closest one-Hola Hovito-Blueprint) Cuz,like Nasir said "you claim biggies ya man/then you got the nerve to say you better than BIG...-Ether-stILLMATIC"They werent that close I guess. And as far a Pac goes,Jigga had to cut some kind of deal with Suge(I told ya in '96 that I came to take this shit and I did-Heart of the City/Blueprint).And speaking of Nas, Jay-Z wasnt getting the "king-like"attention he thought he deserved(Reasonable Doubt/classic,shoulda went tripple-Heart of the City-Blueprint),so he started picking on Nas for a new beef battle. Someone who he THOUGHT he could punk But seriously,those dudes shouldnt be compared in the first place.They are two totally different rappers.Both awesome in their own way,but one raps about the hustlin(mafioso rapper) and the other raps about life and whatever.(I'm not too much of a Nas fan,but I know he doesnt rap about hustlin) Their battles were pointless.I think Big and Pac had REAL beef. Jays and Nas' beef was just a great way to draw attention to the great Blueprint and stILLMATIC albums.To me,its like comparing T.I and Common.Nope.Sorry.Not realistic.And then to Aaliyah. Damon Dash HAD the hottest chic in the game who was changing her tomboyish,girl next door look to a grown and sexy look and while Jigga Man could have had Beyonce then,it wouldnt have been a big deal. She would have just been Beyonce of Destinys child.But if Aaliyahs plane didnt go down on "accident",we all know she would be what that is right now. He knew when her plane was at the time:"Hey Dame,whats up for this month?"Dame;"Well,my girl,the hottest chic out there who has changed her girl next door image to sexy lady is shooting a hot video on this date and we're gonna kick it til then. Man,Imma be so playa with her on my arms.But thats about it".So Jay talks it over with some people has the plane to go down. So, a few months prior to that, they are at a hot Hollywood party and Jay spots Beyonce across the room."Hey,let me talk business with you"Jigga says to "Bey"."Now,you do have what it takes to be number one,but you gotta let me help you.ANd trust me,I know how to be number one cause everything I touch is gold"he says."I'm listening"says Beyonce.Jay,"First you gotta thrown me on your records.Ya know,get you some street credit. Then you gotta make sure there is no competion.But you let me handle that.Then,you gotta loose your 3 or 4 or however many it is of you chics now in Hopes Child. They just holding you down. And then..." Beyonce,then interupts "Ok, I hear ya. If Michelle dont start wearing the too little skirts that my mama make,she was gonna be out anyways". So she sips her Martini and looks at him like,"fa sho". Beyonce,then signal for a high five,but Jay looks her dead in the eyes and says "No Bey,we throw up the roc.Cuz I'm hova the god,and I hold the whole world in my hands...like the sunday school song at yo southern church Dallas"."Actually,Im from Houston",she says."Whatever" he replies. Now Beyonce is on top,and Jay-z comes out with Bonnie and Clyde(To me,it was a slap in the face to Dame).So he constantly throws it around,"I got the hottest chic in the game wearin my chain-PSA-Black Album". Of course he could have had the chic from "Girl,girl,girls-Blueprint"(I got this project chic/that plays her part/and if it goes down yall thats my heart...) but,she was probably this hood Iesha" standing on a bus stop,sucking on a lolly pop" chic who wouldnt be physically fit for a king. Jay is a tall dude.So he's gotta have a tall model like chic. He basically made her a star(mama,let me upgrade ya-Upgrade ya-Bday). He keeps her around like a trophy(Beyonce:When you in the big meetings for the mills,you take me just to complement the deal-Bday) You didnt see Scarface with no ugly chic did you? He had to make sure she was this sweet,young girl that America loves.Now he just the f*cking man. So he disses Dame who basically started Roc a Fella.I mean,isnt that the way ganstas,mafias and the mob do it? They take over what their bosses was doing once they learn everything,and then they take their chic. Now,he didnt take Dames chic,but he did go for the next best hot chic(respectively). So,to reiterate,he had to get rid of the "bosses"of rap(biggie and pac)and he had to have the hot chic. Reminds ME a lot of SCARFACE.Like I said,he knew what he was doing since 1996. AND again,this is just a theory,I have no problem with Jay or Beyonce,just random thoughts of a creative thinker with too much to think about. Upcoming blogs,"6 flags,the number one drug lord" and "My back's against the Wal-mart".Stay Black!
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