"That be the question". Ahh, don't you just love Ebonics at it's best? Ok, this whole blog stems from seven words that a radio personality said. In seven simple words, he clarified the much debated topic of whether people choose to be gay or if they are born gay. Now,it seems like this question would allow complex answers, but most people want a direct answer. Your not going to get a direct answer from me because depending on sex, situations or whatever,each answer is different.
**Note: I am not doing this because I am in favor or against gays or whatever, but because this is such a hot topic, I just wanted to give my point of view.
1. Does being "Bi" count? I ask because I remember Angelina Jolie saying that she is not attracted to ones physical appearance or sex, but their spirit. So if a woman's spirit is attractive, then she's all game! I don't know how other people feel but, if she attracted to one's personality, so be it. I think its gay or bi, but not just something to do. I think they are born with an instinct like that. So, if that is the case they are born gay.
2. Although something "to do" would be a typical college girl (usually) "experimenting". Now, since I didn't go through that experimental phase, maybe I can't comment. But guess who's blog it is and guess who's going to comment anyway? Yep. Me! Ok, as I was saying, girls for some reason feel college drunkenness is the time to make out with her roommate or bff. Why? Who knows? But more than likely these girl will do it and love it, hate it, or just leave it as the experiment it was. But from what I've seen they all seem to graduate, be successful and marry rich men (Damn, maybe I should have...just kidding)! So for these "gay" girls, I say they choose to behave that way.
3. What about these "DL" brothers. I don't know what to say honestly. I wish they would just say they're bi or just come out the damn closet! I mean, hell, God knows what you are, so why lie to the public? Why pass diseases to other women and men? I know the answer to all of those questions and will attempt to answer them in my next point. But these guys, choose to be "DL" or gay. I say this because if ONLY a man turns on another man, that's gay. But if that same man is turned on by a girl and a man, he's choosing to be that way. Maybe he likes the feel of another man. Or maybe he likes the feeling in a place that women cant get to. So DL bros, Choose!
4. Ah, now to the whole reason I did this blog. The real gay man/woman: The man/woman that is slowly being accepted by society. Let me tell you what the radio personality said, "Nobody chooses to be something that's hated". Light bulb! There is no way I can argue with a statement like that. Do you know the terrible things that has happened or that happens to gay men/women? Men have been beat up, raped and sodomized with beer bottles for being gay. To my point earlier about "DL" brothers, while I hate the fact that they are living a lie, I can honestly say I don't blame them. Gay women are given a hard time by other women who don't want to undress around them or like anyone else get called ugly names. Now, who WANTS to live that kind of life? They can pretend they're not gay, but it's only for so long one can pretend. Their real emotions and feelings will come out. It's like someone WANTING to be a Jew in a concentration camp. Who wants to be hated? Who wants to be hurt, harmed or killed for something they are perpetrating? Would you plead guilty and go to jail for a crime you didn't do? Well, to me, that's almost the same as coming out of the closet and having to suffer with how society treats you. If this is who they truly think they are, let it be. So to this point, I think OPEN gay men/women are born gay.
I am not supporting gays but I am not condemning them either, if anything it takes a lot to be that brave and open. What they do will be judge by the big man up yonder, as will all of our faults and sins. Controversial subject? Yes. Discuss this with your family and friends, but don't you dare judge.
1. Does being "Bi" count? I ask because I remember Angelina Jolie saying that she is not attracted to ones physical appearance or sex, but their spirit. So if a woman's spirit is attractive, then she's all game! I don't know how other people feel but, if she attracted to one's personality, so be it. I think its gay or bi, but not just something to do. I think they are born with an instinct like that. So, if that is the case they are born gay.
2. Although something "to do" would be a typical college girl (usually) "experimenting". Now, since I didn't go through that experimental phase, maybe I can't comment. But guess who's blog it is and guess who's going to comment anyway? Yep. Me! Ok, as I was saying, girls for some reason feel college drunkenness is the time to make out with her roommate or bff. Why? Who knows? But more than likely these girl will do it and love it, hate it, or just leave it as the experiment it was. But from what I've seen they all seem to graduate, be successful and marry rich men (Damn, maybe I should have...just kidding)! So for these "gay" girls, I say they choose to behave that way.
3. What about these "DL" brothers. I don't know what to say honestly. I wish they would just say they're bi or just come out the damn closet! I mean, hell, God knows what you are, so why lie to the public? Why pass diseases to other women and men? I know the answer to all of those questions and will attempt to answer them in my next point. But these guys, choose to be "DL" or gay. I say this because if ONLY a man turns on another man, that's gay. But if that same man is turned on by a girl and a man, he's choosing to be that way. Maybe he likes the feel of another man. Or maybe he likes the feeling in a place that women cant get to. So DL bros, Choose!
4. Ah, now to the whole reason I did this blog. The real gay man/woman: The man/woman that is slowly being accepted by society. Let me tell you what the radio personality said, "Nobody chooses to be something that's hated". Light bulb! There is no way I can argue with a statement like that. Do you know the terrible things that has happened or that happens to gay men/women? Men have been beat up, raped and sodomized with beer bottles for being gay. To my point earlier about "DL" brothers, while I hate the fact that they are living a lie, I can honestly say I don't blame them. Gay women are given a hard time by other women who don't want to undress around them or like anyone else get called ugly names. Now, who WANTS to live that kind of life? They can pretend they're not gay, but it's only for so long one can pretend. Their real emotions and feelings will come out. It's like someone WANTING to be a Jew in a concentration camp. Who wants to be hated? Who wants to be hurt, harmed or killed for something they are perpetrating? Would you plead guilty and go to jail for a crime you didn't do? Well, to me, that's almost the same as coming out of the closet and having to suffer with how society treats you. If this is who they truly think they are, let it be. So to this point, I think OPEN gay men/women are born gay.
I am not supporting gays but I am not condemning them either, if anything it takes a lot to be that brave and open. What they do will be judge by the big man up yonder, as will all of our faults and sins. Controversial subject? Yes. Discuss this with your family and friends, but don't you dare judge.
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