"I am so dope! Like Louboutins with red bottom, you gotta have 'em, you glad you got 'em"- "I know"Jay-Z. Damnit Jigga man, you ain't never lied. These shoes are so damn expensive Oprah won't even buy them. Not that she can't, cause hell, if she wanted to, she could probably buy me! (J/K) But these shoes range anywhere from $2500 to $5000! I don't think they are worth THAT much, but damn those shoes are bad!! If it makes you feel any better, each shoe is hand made and only touched by seven people. And as Jay-Z said they have a red bottom, which aside from their unique look, is their trademark. Others have faked the funk with the red bottom shoes, but there is only one Christian Louboutin. One day I tell you, I WILL have a pair! And they will hang on my mantle like the piece of art work they are. You may not like them, but don't you dare judge me for wanting these puppies! (sorry, bout the small pic, btw)
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