Tuesday, January 20, 2009

So, I'm watching the news and I waited all of 24 mins just for the weather (As I'm sure a lot of you do,espcially women) and IT happened. As Ron Jackson, chief meteorologist( who is not of Native American descent) of Fox 4 News did the seven day forecast, he explains that there would be a 20% chance of rain. Please think that through in your head. A 20% chance of rain? Maybe I'm missing something, but does that make any sense. What's the difference between the 20% or 80% chance. Either way, you need to take your umbrella to be on the safe side, right? I mean, it's not like there are other weather conditions that may happen. I would be more than grateful if there were a 20%chance of fog, 30%chance of rain, 40%chance of sleet, and 10%chance of sunshine.I'm not sure where you live, but here in North Texas, we only only have two weather conditions during the summer months: 5 degrees cooler than hell and Thunderstorm Warning/Watch. Thats all. Nothing in between. Nada. So, as one of my friends pointed out, Ron Jackson might as well say, "It might rain today". You're still going to dress accordingly. And while we're on it, it might as well be the same for people on ICU who only have the option of living or dying. If you're going to start throwing numbers, let there be a 50% chance they'll die, 30% chance they'll be brain dead, and a 20% chance they'll live. It may seem harsh, but you know I'm right. I just have a problem with giving something any type of percentage more or less than 50%, when there are only two options of the outcome. Don't you dare judge me!!

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