Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Good Read: Freakonomics

Ever wondered if there was some truth to your child not succeeding in life because their name is Tiesha or Tyrone instead of Julie or David? Ever wondered why the baby boomers received a better education than generation X? What do teachers and Sumo wrestlers have in common? Or how has legalizing abortion lowered the crime rates in America? OK, maybe you haven't wondered all these things, but it makes for a good read. Freakonomics is a New York Times best seller, turned documentary, turned blog. I must say, when I first read the book years ago, I was blown away by the authors, Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner's social and economics theories for our world today.

If you notice the cover art on the book, these two are indeed comparing apples to oranges and it all makes sense! The main thing that intrigued me, is the one thing that has caused these guys a lot of hell as well as sales. While their theories can be proven, everyone is not so accepting of their statements. One of my favorite chapters was how the public education system has gone down due to the 1960's movement of women's rights. Levitt and Dubner argue that prior to this movement women's main roles in life were, respectively, housewives, nurses or teachers. Once women were granted the "right" to be doctors, lawyers and CEO's, well, it left a void in the education area.

Now, one would like to think or I would like to think this is not the sole reason as to why teaching in the public school system is a joke, but it does make sense. And if you read any of my prior blogs, you know I'm a sucker for conspiracy theories. But hey, don't listen to me. If any of what I said has caught your attention, please go check these guys out. Here's a link to their blog:

Also, there's a Freakonomics 2, but I haven't gotten to it yet. Once I do, I'll let you know how it is.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Yo mama!!!

So, I needed something to post today to keep up with my “I’m a changed woman and I will blog more often” , so I cheated and I chose a note I wrote on facebook a few weeks ago for my birthday. Hope you enjoy.

Before I start, I just want to shoutout all the moms out there; You are appreciated.

So, if you pay attention to my postings on facebook, I mentioned that I would be sending my mom a present for MY birthday that’s coming up. It should go without saying why I did it, but I will still express my reasons for doing so.

A few years back during a small family gathering for my birthday, my dad stood up to give a speech. I just knew this speech was going to praise me on how great of a daughter, woman, and citizen I am and how he’s so proud of me. I was wrong! LOL! My dad pointed out that in the midst of everyone celebrating my birth, I should give credit to the woman who birthed me. While I feel his timing could have been better, that speech stuck with me. He pointed out things that we as children tend to take for granted or never think twice about: Like how having a child in the first place (this day and age) is more so an option. I don’t know what your views are (on the subject of pro-life/pro-choice), nor do I care, but women don’t always have to have children. Women risk their lives everyday giving birth! While I can’t speak from experience, I understand that pregnancy and labor is hard. A woman gives all she has from calcium, blood, "professor Klump" feet, stretch marks, etc. If anything, your mom should be celebrating YOUR birthday herself!! She’s the one that did something important on that day in history; NOT YOU. And while I don’t live at home, in a sense, at 28 years of age, my mom still takes care of me. When I’m sick, need help, and good grief, I don’t know where I would do my laundry if it wasn’t for my mom. Basically, all I’m saying is, show your mom some thanks. I’m not saying you have to buy her something for YOUR birthday, but in the words of Pac “ There’s no waaaaay I can pay you back, but the plan is to show you that I understand: You are appreciated”. Now, don’t get me wrong, I will still gladly accept any gift my mother has in store for me, but I must celebrate this day with her. I must dedicate this day to her. Sending her fruity flowers was the absolute least I could do. Like many of you, I wish I could do more. It just seems a little reckless for me to go out, party and take credit for a day that would have never come to be without acknowledging my mom. I mean, honestly, all I’m doing is surviving everyday. Nothing special. And please don’t get all DEEP on me saying this day wouldn’t be possible without God. True. Very, very true. But I’m speaking in more of a flesh and blood sense, not spiritual. But I do thank GOD EVERYDAY for my mama (she hates it when I call her “mama”)! Thanks in advance for the bday wishes and for reading!


Friday, October 28, 2011

Funny Fridays: Its So Cold In the D

This is by far the worst thing I've ever seen! BET Uncut would've turned this one down! But regardless, it makes me laugh everytime! Not because of how horrible it is, but because the artist is so serious! Shoutout to the fool that let this chic in the studio! S/N: I think I've posted this years ago, but oh well...again, it never gets I'm the D....DALLAS! Dont you dare judge me!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Orchenstrate Your Love Life

Let me first start off by saying, while in grade school and high school, I played the clarinet, saxophone, trumpet and baritone. Now, these facts have nothing to do with this blog, but I know some of the folks reading this have just rolled their eyes at that sentence. And I wrote it just for that effect! LOL!

Ok. Let me get down to business. A few weekends ago, I, for the first time in my adult life, went to the Dallas Symphony. It was nothing less than amazing. Now before you knock the classical theme, please continue reading.

During the 90minutes of the concert, I swear, I am NOT exaggerating nor fibbing: the same 3 thoughts kept passing through my mind. The first was me staring at the architecture and beauty of the walls of sound and remembering the first time I went in high school and how I had very little appreciation for my being there, but I had a blast with my friends. Truth be told, everything is better when you’re with your friends. But that’s another blog. The second thing that kept passing through my mind was at certain parts of the song, I would try to recall what Disney/Pixar film I heard this piece in. I swear some parts of the songs I had put me right in the mix of the Toy Story trilogy. But the last thing that kept running across my mind was how this symphony was the perfect relationship.

There are certain elements in a relationship that keeps the people happy and staying strong. Pay attention as I try to break down what I saw or heard in my head that night.

First the violins, violoa’s and cellos: They were so beautiful in sound and there were so many of them as well. If there were 100 instruments, then 70 were the strings alone. But anywho, to that point, as many violins, violas and cellos as there were, they never over powered the Trumpets or even the flutes for that matter, YET the concert wouldn’t have been NEARLY as good without these strings. They played almost non stop. Rarely resting. The strings to me came across as the small or minor things in a relationship. They’re not the big things that you may talk a lot about to your friends or you may even take for granted, but they are the key to a healthy relationship. The violins or “small things” are the “taking out the garbage, opening the door, rubbing your partners back or feet after a long day or the simple “good morning beautiful” text you get or send to your significant other. Again, these things may not be the HIGHLIGHT of your day, but it all adds up and makes a HUGE difference when they are not there.

Then there were the 2 trumpets, the clarinet, the two bass clarinets, the flute and the oboe (I may have left some instruments off, but you see where I’m going), these were the “bells and whistles” of a relationship. These instruments weren’t played continuously, but when they were played, it was a beautiful treat. You can take these as the weekends, birthdays or special occasions of your relationship. Meaning, they don’t happen as frequent as the small things, but you tend to enjoy them more and these are the things you talk about with others. How much fun you had and what you did this weekend or for your anniversay. You need that in a healthy relationship as well.

I’ll lightly touch on the drums. But I don’t think I need to go into too much details (or do I?) about the “beating it up” part? LOL! Please pardon my humor, but the drums (like in any genre) makes any song sound better. But sometimes, you need more than that. Drums (sex) can only take a relationship so far without the previously mentioned instruments or qualities.

Oh, and the conductor? That was like the God in the relationship (No blasephemy intended). He was in the center of it all: The strings, horns and drums. Sure, the musicians can stop looking at him at anytime, but if they stray too long, something will eventually go wrong. If you do believe in God, you can understand how important it is to keep him a priority over all. You cant lose focus.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wanted Wednesdays: Watch The Throne

Just a few months ago anyone who knows me or have read the left hand side of my blog would not doubt my love for the arrogant, yet talented Kanye West. I can go on and on about WHY I love him so much, but thats not the point of this Wanted Wednesday. The point is to notify YOU, the reader, of things that are hot in the streets and that is wanted by myself and/or others. But even the most LOYAL Kanye fans are feeling some way about these high **s ticket prices. I mean, the way I see it now, only three types of people have tickets already for this concert: The rich, the "I'm just going to say I went", and the Eminem "Stans" who would probably do some harm to Kanye if they ever met him. Now, you want to know what I call "expensive"? True, $114 is NOT a lot to see Kanye. $114 is a lot to see Kanye when you're sitting in the freaking nose bleed! Sure, Jay is with him, but I'm sorry, I refuse to pay over $1oo for piss poor seats for two mofo's running around a stage and maybe doing ONE costume change! Great seats for Beyonce are about that much, but again, Beyonce has lights, dancers, choreography, set & costume change and last: She's Beyonce! I saw Janet Jackson a few months back and SHE wasnt even that expensive. And sure Janet aint been hot, "HOT" since the Velvet Rope, but still, I think she should demand more money than two rap artist running around on stage with their mics out makings the audience rap half their lines! I'm sorry if this is turning more into a rant, but I'm passionate about music AND Kanye and it seriously pains me to know there is a chance I wont be at the concert. And if you're wondering why I just wont bite the bullet and get the cheap seats, I'll tell you why: I've been to TWO Kanye concerts,paid less than $100, never been any further than 12 rows back AND *clears throat*, I snuck backstage with the intention of meeting Kanye and I DID meet Kanye AND spoke to him. Dont believe me? I have three people to back me up. Anywho, thats another blog. But for now, I'll just be hoping and wishing this Wanted Wednesday for Watch The Throne tickets.

Monday, October 24, 2011

20 Questions

"Alright, alright, alriiiight"in my best Kevin Hart voice! The moment you all have been waiting for! I hope I was worth your wait ;o)

1. What do you think God thinks when he thinks about you?

2.Why is it when a white person sings with soul, we (black folk) take them in as our own?

3. Do you have to sound ethnic to be considered a good singer among black people?

4.Have you ever walked into your home and had to ask yourself, "WTF is that smell"?

5. Did you forget to take the trash out or are the neighbors cooking again?

6. Did you put Jolly Ranchers or Peppermints in your fat pickle growing up?

7. If the Delta's were to haze (which we all know they don't), do you think little Rudy Huxtable was hazed?

8. Why do people always want to free somebody, knowing damn well that person is guilty?

9. Is it sad that I consider one of my great failures in life was not being a guest audience member on the Oprah Winfrey show?

10. Now, what are you watching at 4pm, Mon-Fri?

11. Seriously, are we more concerned if Bey is really carrying that baby or are we all curious to see who this baby looks like?

12. If you had the money and your body was crucial to your career, would you get a surrogate or just workout really, really hard?

13. When time goes back, does that mean there's actually 25 hours in a day?

14. If Herman Cain is on the ticket, does this mean we have to stop using the race card on white republicans?

15. Um, Willow? Willow Smith? Where are you?

16. When someone has a cold sore, dont you always think they did something nasty to get it?

17. Who is to say what a curse word is?

18. Why is "s**t" considered a bad word but not "crap"?

19. They're both four letter words meaning the same thing, right?

20. Have you gone natural yet?

My bad, yo!

I'm sorry.

To my avid 3 readers, my sincere apologies for not blogging like I should. Ok, maybe I'm exaggerating with the three readers, but Clayton you have my "best attempt at a promise" that I will post more regularly. But you cant just read your favorite column: "20 questions"!! You must read EVERYTHING I post...EVERYTHING! Ok, you dont have to do all that. But check in from time to time. What am I going to do? I'm going to post more. I'm going to set aside a schedule and post at least once a week or every other week. Not only will I post the Vibe magazine bitten "20 questions", but I will post more "Wanted Wednesdays", "Throwback Thursdays" and "Funny Fridays". Again, I'm sorry for neglecting you all of my randomness. For once, I will sahy, go ahead a judge me. I deserve it. :o(